
5K today

Got in 3.1 miles today before work. That puts me at 27.7 so far for week 6. I'll do at least another 5K tomorrow, hopefully 10K.

Craig shirts are still selling strong. They look great and also imbue superpowers. Don't be the only one walking around west Cincinnati without one.


Front Porch fundraiser flier

Everybody -- here's a flier for the March 14 fundraiser for Craig at the Front Porch Coffeehouse on Glenway! Click on the image above to see the full-size version. Then print out bunches of copies and give them to everyone you know or hang them up around Nati.

18 miles in my Craig shirt

I ran 18.37 miles this afternoon as the weather chilled. It was cool enough to need a shirt, so I decided to bust out my Craig T-shirt, which apparently is waterproof and gives me psychedelic visions (after 15 miles or so).

Don't miss the events update below this post!

IMPORTANT: Don't miss these events

For those of you in Cincinnati, there are a couple big fundraisers for Craig coming up. Make sure you get out there to show him love and have a great time! The following announcement comes from Nick Chaney:

My name is Nick Chaney. I am a friend of Craig's and am very excited to inform everyone that a few of his friends have set up some big fundraisers for him coming up in a few weeks back in Cincinnati!

The first is a benefit at the Front Porch Coffeehouse on Glenway Ave. (by Phillipp's Swim Club) on Friday, March 14. There will be live music, raffles of some sort, special drinks to benefit Craig, t-shirts and rubber bands on sale, and a general donation basket being circulated all day. Anyone with more questions can contact Andrew Childers, Bobby Smyth, or Nick Chaney, and one of them will direct you to the right person.

Also, there will be another benefit all day on Monday, March 24, at Champion's Grille on Crookshank. Champion's will donate 10% of their proceeds from that entire day (they are open 11 AM - 11 PM), and we will have basket raffles, split-the-pot, t-shirt and rubberband sales, and general donations are also appreciated.

All of the money will go directly to Craig to help fund his medical treatment from the past few months, so do your best to make it to these big events! If you can't make it for any reason, let as many people as you can know about it.

If you have a business or good way to circulate the news, let one of the three mentioned above know ASAP, and we could e-mail you flyers we have begun to circulate.
Also, if you have anything you would be willing to donate, or if you would like to volunteer to help work with anything at all, again, contact one of the three mentioned above.

Hopefully we will see you all at one or both of these events. Thanks for all the support, and remember, stay CraigSTRONG.

Fundraising update

Craig's more than halfway through his treatment, and you guys have been unbelievable so far! In a little more than five weeks, you've raised almost $2,000 for Craig's care!!! And we've still got a long way to go.

In addition to monetary donations, the Nike+ crew has now run more than 1,200 miles in Craig's name. I've got 138.4 of those miles, on pace for about 250, which I'll match dollar-for-mile when Craig wraps up his treatment.

If you want to match my donation, click here. Or you can donate any amount -- online, by clicking the "Donate" button at the top of the page -- or by check, by clicking here. You also can donate by buying Craig-themed tees, hoodies and accessories.

Thanks so much to all of you! Your love and generosity are amazing!


Kicking off week 6

I started the week with 10K at lunch. I'm shooting for five of those this week, which would add up to 31 miles. Our record heat wave is supposed to break tonight, so that should make it easier.


10K today

I got in 6.2 miles before lunch today to wrap up the week. That's 31.7 miles in week 5.

Four weeks to go starting tomorrow! Craig battled the flu a bit but got through it going strong. And, just like he called it, Memphis lost their undefeated streak last night. Watch out if you bet against his bracket.