
Fundraising update

When today ends, three weeks of Craig's treatment are in the books! We've come a long way with this little blog, and we're staying strong with six weeks to go.

Thanks to you, so far we've raised more than $1,000 for Craig's care!! And that doesn't count my final mileage total, for which I'll donate $1 per mile, or the contributions of anyone who chooses to match me. Right now, I'm on pace for just shy of 250 miles, 70 miles ahead of my original goal.

If you want to donate to Craig with a credit card online, click the "Donate" button at the top of the page. If you'd like to mail a check, click here. And if you want to buy an amazing T-shirt with a huge picture of Craig's face on it, you can do that here.

In addition to your monetary donations, the Nike+ runners have donated more than 700 miles of their time and energy in Craig's name! Your web of support stretches worldwide, from California to Germany to Hong Kong. Thanks for sticking with us!

Keep Craig in your thoughts and prayers.

** Some of the Nike+ code on this page hasn't been displaying right the last couple days. I've e-mailed their tech team, and they're taking a look at it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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