
18 miles in my Craig shirt

I ran 18.37 miles this afternoon as the weather chilled. It was cool enough to need a shirt, so I decided to bust out my Craig T-shirt, which apparently is waterproof and gives me psychedelic visions (after 15 miles or so).

Don't miss the events update below this post!


Anonymous said...

Ah Jason that is insane! 18 miles...I can't even fathom that. Let alone the fact that it was "cool enough" to wear a shirt. It's been hard to come across 40+ degree temps in the past...I can't even remember! I applaud you heartily. (As well as the sense of humor haha).

Anonymous said...

Lol, yeah. I heard all about your sub-20-degree weather. I think we're supposed to get down into the high 40s tonight. It was about 60 on my run, and everyone outside was wearing coats.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. It'll hit 40 either tomorrow, but definitely for the next week, and I guarantee people will be bringing out the T-shirts because it will be so much "warmer" outside. Insanity.