
About Craig

For those of you who know Craig Buschle, this will come as no surprise: He's one amazing dude.

He was before he ever was diagnosed with cancer, a couple weeks prior to Christmas 2007. He was when he toughed out a bad surgery to remove the first masses doctors found. And, depending on what time of day you're reading this, as he sits through hours of chemotherapy -- that's pretty amazing, too.

But I digress ...

For those of you who don't know, Craig attends the University of Cincinnati, where he's studying Geographic Information Systems. It's a fancy name for computer programming for geography and meteorology. He has to take a semester off for the treatment.

He graduated from Elder High School in Cincinnati and lives with his ginormous Catholic fam in Cheviot.

Until his chemo started, he worked at Mercy Franciscan West Park Retirement Home. He has only meager health insurance and pays most of those bills himself, so stopping work is a particular thorn in the crotch.

He started BMXing a while back and rocks it hard, but no back flips as of yet. He likes to watch cool movies, "Superbad" for example, and chill in his basement or hang with his girlfriend, sweet Mary Lockwood (who is my sister-in-law).

And there's lots of other crap I could type about Craig here, like his infatuation with Jones Soda, but since most of you know him, I'll leave it at that.

Drop the boy a comment to let him know what's up!



Anonymous said...

this is amazing, we're here for you craig!!

Anonymous said...

I just signed up tonight to run for you. Happy to do it. Can wait!~

Anonymous said...

bush man we have been through a lot together and i feel you are one of the best friends i have ever had.. and for being there for me for so long. im here for you bush so if you need anything anything at all just give me a call you know ill be here for ya... well i love you bush hope everything is good....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for fixing that, Mary -- "weather science" was just my renarded way of saying Geographic Information Systems, which I admit sounds a lot more impressive!

John said...

Craig man, we are all here for you and always will be. You've got some amazing friends and family who are happy to help at a moments notice. Please don't hesitate to ask anything. Live Strong buddy!

babylocks said...

To anyone who is curious, Craig has just finished his first day of chemo. To let people know what chemo is like here goes: basically he sits in a small room for seven hours while an IV is hooked up to his chest. The IV goes into Craigs port-a-caf and directly into his blood stream. When the bag is empty, another bag is put in its place until all the medicine for the day is gone. He went in early around 8:00 a.m. and arrived home around 3:30. He had five bags hooked up to his IV today. That is a ton of medicine to put into a body in one day! There were also a couple other people in the room with him getting chemo, but he was by FAR the youngest person. He chatted with the other people and brought his new lap top to help pass the time. Although he couldn't get a wireless connection today, he is hoping to get a spot in the other room tomorrow so he can check out the website and talk to his friends!

For now he is sleeping. He has complained of a pain in his legs, but other than that he seems okay so far. Thanks for all the support and remember he can always use more! KEEP RUNNING AND COMMENTING :)

Anonymous said...

hey craig! i know i can't do much from WV, but i'll willing to try. since i'm in college myself and i currently don't have a job, i'm not sure if i can donate $1/mile but i will donate something! i will always help a fellow west park employee!! miss you craig! i hope everything goes good and you are back to good health soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey dawg. I may just be a craig's blog stalker, since I am so athletically challenged. Of course I will be offering my undying support, but my running may be more like sauntering. Hope all went well with the first day of treatment. Mass love homie.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Craigory!
Every time I go to ping and run around the track, i'll be thinking of you! =] I miss you bud and you are so strong for going through this. I'm constantly praying for and thinking of you...luckily for yourself you have about 80 bazillion friends or so who are doing the exact same thing, how cool is that?! =] Love you!

Anonymous said...

3 days down, 2 to go this week. O.K., Judy and I are going to start mall-crawling on your behalf (big sacrifice I know!) Anything you need, ask! Luv ya, krock

Anonymous said...

hey Craig

I'm Kaylee d,and i am friends with your cousin abby s and we hope you get


Love kaykay

Dan said...

Hey- I came across this via MetaFilter and thought I'd let you know that even total strangers halfway across the world (I'm in Argentina) are pulling for you, man! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Dear Craig,
I hope you are feeling better. You are in my prayers. I am thinking of you.You are so strong to be going through this.

Love You,
Your Cuz Abby

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig. I am going to keep you in my prayers...Running is not my thing but I would love to donate when I get paid.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Champions fundraiser! It was so much FUN!!
I had a great Easter with you! I hope you are feeling better!


P.S. I will see you at Uncle Mike's wedding.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Champions fundraiser! It was so much FUN!!
I had a great Easter with you! I hope you are feeling better!


P.S. I will see you at Uncle Mike's wedding.